The COLOURLOCK stuff has become my favorite leather care cleaning solution to date. For a while, I was using the Swissvax leather care products, which was okay, but I found Colourlock to be far superior. I ultimately wanted to bring in leather care cleaning products from a company that specialized only in leather care. That’s exactly what I/we got with Colourlock.
I had Lars and Ram from COLOURLOCK stop by OGHQ back in 2019 to demo their products, and as I suspected, I was highly impressed. We discussed the process for cleaning, restoring, and protecting your leather; if you want some in-depth information from two experts on caring for your leather, I suggest watching that video in its entirety. We did two parts.
I think this is a great kit to start with and build on. If you are doing several vehicles or are a detailer, you may want to purchase the above products in larger sizes that we have available on the site.