House Overview
Thanks for considering borrowing my Helen, GA property from me. The idea of this first video is to go over the costs of this property and how many people you can expect to have at the house comfortably. I'll go over what's expected of you during your stay on the property. I believe most of us share the same obsessions and ideals, so I don't expect many issues. Thanks for the consideration, be sure to watch the rest of the videos below to learn more about the property.
Getting To The House
There are a few steps in the process of getting through security and making your way to the Helen property. You'll have no issues getting to the house as all the roads are paved and lowered car safe. Once you arrive at the guardhouse you'll have three ways of entering (asking the guard, passcode, or card). On your initial visit, you'll have a quick form to fill out, and then afterward, you'll be able to make your way to the Helen property.
Where To Park At Helen
Once you have arrived at the Helen property, you'll have specific parking that I ask you to please abide by. I also ask you to be mindful of the neighbors and park behind the expansion joint I show in the video. The parking at Helen can accommodate plenty of cars, so you shouldn't run into any issues with space for your vehicles or any guests you might have over.