The Kranzle K1622TS Custom Install Solution shares the same framework as my Custom Install Kranzle Pressure Washing Solution. The only difference between the two is that this package comes with the Kranzle K1622TS while the other has the K1322TS. There’s only one real reason why you'd want to purchase this kit and that’s if you’re running a 15 amp circuit.
The K1622TS unit has undergone a makeover. At one time it didn’t have the total stop feature but now it does. This machine is a great option but it is not on par with the better K1322. If you want something with more pressure, a stock OE gun and wand, but less flow, this machine is a winner.
However, the K1322TS is definitely the superior unit. It is extremely popular for permanent wall mounted solutions as well as for mobile detailers. Even if you keep it on the floor in your garage the footprint is smaller than most pressure washers and is easily tucked away. The biggest selling point of the K1322 is it’s higher flow.
When I started the search for a wall-mountable pressure washing solution back in 2017 for my car wash bay, I ultimately wanted a small, compact pump that I could put on a shelf that looked and worked like the Kranzle K1122.
I headed down a rabbit hole that kept leading me down dead ends. Too much noise, not enough flow, fit/finish/quality concerns, are all issues I encountered. That is the reason I ended up deciding to take a gamble on the Kranzle K165STS (now the Kranzle KWS700TS) that was in my wash bay. It certainly is great at 2800 PSI and 2.8 GPM and looks absolutely fantastic. The cons: it's loud, cycles for 30 seconds before turning off, and weighs 180lbs. Oh...another small was $4500 and they no longer make it!
I've been thinking about doing this for as long as I can remember. I've wanted a dedicated wash bay for over 20 years. I thought that would be the most amazing thing in the world to be able to wash cars whenever I want, and not have to drag out a hose every time I wanted to get the job done. Two years ago, I started searching everywhere to find a solution that would not only be suitable but also be amazing.
There are a couple of obscure on-wall semi-complete systems out there, but I wanted something better. I knew I'd have to piece it together and build it myself if it was going to check all my boxes.
After beating my head against the wall trying to do this, I ended up choosing the massive (in size & expensive) Kranzle K165STS that was on my wall in my dedicated wash bay. Add in tearing the walls apart for bracing and 30A wiring to support 200 lb, boom pole, dozens of tried and failed parts like hoses, wall plates, and quick disconnects, a bunch of Mosmatic parts like buying the wrong boom pole and having to buy a second one; and we are in the $10,000 neighborhood! In other words, very very few people are going to do that all in the pursuit of the amazing result I've been able to obtain. I get that.
There were quite a few drawbacks to my expensive wash bay solution.
- The massive Kranzle runs on a 30 second delay. Meaning, after the trigger is released, it runs for 30 seconds before it shuts off. Think about washing your wheels. Just when the pump turns off, you end up restarting it to wash the next section. It would be so much better if it turned off instantly. This is designed to run this way to protect the massive pump from starting and stopping too often.
- It's loud. The bigger, higher flowing Kranzles are about as loud as an industrial air compressor. Part of the advantage to electric is to have the ability to wash at 6 AM and not wake the whole house and neighbors.
- The obvious one, expense. Without any of the laundry list of other supporting products you need to make this work, pumps are starting at $3500 and up.
Don't get me wrong. With the right conditions, you can't beat the high-end, high-flow/powered solution. I was on 6 acres with a detached wash bay, so those conditions are perfect. But, what if you have a normal, attached garage and want something on the wall, out of the way that you don't need to drag out every time you want to wash? What if you want to wash at 5 AM before heading to a car event on Saturday morning? I want the same things and wanted an on-wall system for OG Headquarters, but I don't want to drop ten grand on it.
So here we go...chasing a great solution that checks all the boxes. I get that seeing a photo of this complete and functioning looks easy, but I assure you, it will require more orders of part after part and trip after trip to the hardware store to eventually get this dialed in. This store has given me a platform to channel my obsession and save you the inevitable pain you would need to endure to get this right. But...keep in mind, this system doesn't just magically appear on your wall.
This solution is designed for the obsessed, not regular people. I'm going to save you a ton of money, trial, and error, and waiting for parts to arrive and get you 90% of the way there. are going to have to work for the result. Picking the parts and pieces is the hard part, but you may need to hire a plumber or electrician and make a few trips to the hardware store to get this to fit your particular garage.
We've updated this solution to make it even better! We now have a matching blue jumper hose that mimics the 100ft High-Pressure hose that's on the new and improved Cox hose reel. The new hose reel features a stainless steel swivel instead of the former brass piece. We've added the OG Spec Mosmatic sprayer, wand, and nozzle to the solutions too! Be sure to read more about the OG Spec Mosmatic setup here!
We've also added new T304 stainless couplers and plugs made in Germany by Mosmatic. These are the highest quality fittings I've seen! The Griot's Garage The Boss Foam Cannon will come equipped with a Mosmatic German-made T304 stainless fitting.