Werther P50/24AL Silent Piston Air Compressor

SKU: Dropship-Werther-P50/24AL
Werther P50/24AL Silent Piston Air Compressor

Werther P50/24AL Silent Piston Air Compressor

SKU: Dropship-Werther-P50/24AL
Compressor Kit Add-ons
Regular price $1,785.00

The Werther P50/24AL is quite the special air compressor that's not meant for everyone. These silent air compressors are mostly used in medical & high-end aquarium environments. The most important feature of this air compressor is the extremely low noise level when it's running.  It has a peak noise level of 40 db/A which is very quiet for an air compressor. I've been using this for detailing mostly using it for blowing out pads with a Torandor blow-out gun. If you're looking for a simple air compressor for an environment you wish to keep quiet this is the air compressor you want! The difference between something like a California Air Tools air compressor and Werther is the quality and support.  These are top-tier air compressors meant for the professional environment. My crazy plan is to take these small professional air compressors and bring them to the garage for us crazy people that love this level of quality in a truly professional item.

Standard Features:

  • Completely silent operation
  • Internally powder coated air tank
  • Pressure switch allowing for automatic start/stop
  • Outlet pressure regulator & shut off valve
  • 5 Micron outlet moisture filter / optional autodrain
  • Tank pressure and outlet pressure gauges
  • ASME safety valve
  • Conveniently located top tank drain


  • HP: 0.5
  • Output Free Air: 2.1 CFM
  • Output Free Air: 60 L. Min
  • Max Pressure PSI: 120 PSI
  • Max Pressure Bar: 8 bar
  • Max Current 115V: 4.8 Amps
  • Noise Level: 40 db/A
  • Tank Size Gal: 6.3
  • Tank Size Lt: 24
  • Dimensions (ins.): 17" x 17" x 20"
  • Weight: 60 lbs
  • Packed Dimensions: 18" x 19" x 23"
  • Packed Weight: 72 lbs


- Compressor Kit - Alone - You'll only be drop shipped the Werther P50/24AL as it comes from the factory (No fittings or attachments included).
Included In Kit:
x1 - Werther P50/24AL (Prevost Euro High Flow fitting on machine In pictures not included)

- Compressor Addons - Prevost Blow Gun Kit - In this kit you'll receive all 5 of our Prevost blow out guns that we carry (Metal tips, soft tips, OSHA approved...). With each gun you'll receive a Prevost 1/4" NPT Euro High Flow plug that you can thread into the gun.
Included In Kit:
x1 - Prevost 13" Bent Metal Nozzle Blow Gun
x1 - Prevost Metal Nozzle Blow Gun
x1 - Prevost Non-Scratch Blow Gun
x3 - Prevost 1/4" Euro High Flow Male Threaded Plug
x1 - Prevost Euro High Flow Prevo S1 Metal Nozzle Blow Gun
x1 - Prevost Euro High Flow Prevo S1 OSHA Compliant Blow Gun

- Compressor Addons - Accura 1 Tire Inflator This will add an Accura 1 digital tire inflator to your compressor kit and a Prevost Euro High Flow 1/4" NPT plug is included to use with the inflator.
Included In Kit:
x1 - PCL Accura 1 Tire Inflator
x1 - Prevost 1/4" Euro High Flow Male Threaded Plug

This item is dropshipped from Werther in Texas. Shipping is free.

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