My New Favorite Car Soap
Koch-Chemie Gsf (Gentle Snow Foam). I started selling this soap in early 2021, and it’s been flying off the shelves. For many years, Adam’s Car Shampoo has been my go-to soap. I’m telling you, you’re going to love this stuff!
What I really like about this snow foam is the limited amount of residue it leaves behind, if any. It’s also more soluble in water than Adam’s soap - which means it mixes so much better. Some of you who have used Adam’s or still use it know that it has a thicker texture to it. GSF foams well and doesn’t reactivate or lather up after rinsing it off. This soap is also pH-neutral, so it’s safe on waxes, sealants, and ceramic coatings. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that it can be enriched with Koch-Chemie Gs (Green Star) to create an active foam to remove stubborn dirt and insects.
When it comes to dilution ratios, I tend to fill up my Griot's Foam Cannon with 150mL of soap and 750mL of water, which I think is the perfect amount. This will produce a shaving cream-like foam. Another great characteristic of this product that caught my attention was its slickness, not just on your paint but also in your hands. It doesn’t feel gooey or sticky.
Right now, I’ll be offering GSF in two different sizes - 1 liter and 5 liters. My plan is to bring in 20 liters as well.