Griot's Garage G13 Mini Long-Throw Orbital Polisher

SKU: GR-10913

Griot's Garage G13 Mini Long-Throw Orbital Polisher

SKU: GR-10913
Regular price $229.99
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The Griot's Garage G13 Mini Long-Throw Orbital Polisher is the perfect entry-level 3-inch machine. A version of this is what I used to use way back in the day. I've always wanted to offer an entry-level polisher, but until now, nothing that I could get my hands on was good. 

The G13 is very well thought out. It has great ergonomics, from the speed dial placement to the trigger with a lock and even a removable power cord. This machine can do serious work and will hold up over time. For the money, it provides exceptional value. 

You would use this polisher on tighter areas like A-pillars, fenders, and bumpers. If you have a really tight area and can reach it with this tool, you can choose to swap to the 2-inch backing plate provided. That said, if you are looking to polish these areas, you are better suited to getting a Rupes Nano. If you want to polish larger areas of the car, you'll want the Griot's Garage G15 Polisher, which has a larger throw and a 5-inch backing plate.

If you are starting out with polishing and want to work on the tighter areas of the car, this is the polisher you want to get.