Tested & Proven Pre-Wash
We're now the exclusive distributor for Bilt Hamber in North America. Touch-Less is their new eco-friendly sugar based snow foam, which I believe is one of their best products!
Touch-Less is now my go to for pre-washing my car before any contact wash is done. I've always joked that snow-foams were useless, and the Europeans were crazy for pre-washing. Now that I've been using Bilt-Hamber Touch-Less, my mind has been changed and its made me redo my whole cleaning process.
The new Touch-Less formula can be applied at between 0.5% – 2% PIR, giving you twice the power of the old formula. For dirty cars use 2% PIR for slightly soiled cars it's suggest to try a 0.5% PIR. Touch-Less is a bio-degradable sugar-based product that provides a truly exceptional level of cleaning without altering your ceramic coating.

Touch-Less uses the the PIR dilution method. This method uses some basic math to figure out the exact amount of chemcial dilution you need to be putting on your car during the cleaning process. This is a one and done process, you won't have to do this again unless you change pressure washers or foam cannons.
Step 1. Start by filling your foam cannon with water. Most foam cannons on the market have a 1000 ml capacity, so we will use that for our measurement. Ensure your foam cannon is fully open, allowing for maximum foam. With the pressure washer hooked up and turned on, spray the foam cannon into a bucket until the foam cannon is empty. Once empty, measure the amount of water in your bucket.
Step 2. Let's say your foam cannon sprayed three gallons into the bucket. Three gallons is equal to 11,356 ml. We are using ml since that is how the volume in your foam cannon is measured. Now, lets calculate a PIR of 2%.
Step 3. Take 11,356 (volume in bucket) and multiply it by 0.02 (2% PIR). This will give you 227.12 ml. This is your CHEMICAL volume.
Step 4. Put 227 ml (round as needed) into your 1L foam cannon, and then top off with water to the 1L mark. You’re now using Touch-Less at a 2% panel impact ratio for your pressure washer setup.
Step 5. If you want to use 1% PIR multiply by 0.01, if you want to use 0.5% PIR multiply by 0.005.

OG PIR Calculator

Bilt Hamber Touch-Less is a specially formulated cleaning product designed to remove dirt, grime, and other contaminants from the surface of vehicles without the need for physical agitation or contact with the surface. Here's how it works:
- Chemical Action: Bilt Hamber Touch-Less contains a special high conentrate sugar-based chemical blend breaks down and emulsifies dirt and grime on the vehicle's surface. This special formula helps to lower the surface tension of water, allowing it to penetrate and lift away stubborn contaminants.
- Foaming Action: When foaming Bilt Hamber Touch-Less, it creates a thin wall of foam that clings to the surface of the vehicle and doesn't fall off like other snow foams. This thin foam helps prolong the contact time on the paint which drags down the dirt and contaminates, giving you a better cleaning performance.
- Dwell Time: After the foam is applied to the vehicle, it is left to dwell on the surface for a certain period, typically a few minutes (5 Max). Make sure to foam on a cool panel & out of the sun. During this time, the active ingredients in the cleaning solution work to break down and dissolve the dirt, grime, and other contaminants, making them easier to rinse away.
- Rinsing: Once the dwell time has elapsed, the vehicle is thoroughly rinsed with water, either using a pressure washer or a regular hose. The force of the water helps to dislodge and wash away the loosened contaminants, leaving behind a very clean surface.
This item is shipped from our warehouse at OGHQ in Lady Lake, FL. Shipping costs calculated at checkout.
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