A simple and efficient approach to an OG spec mobile unit. This is a vision I have been chasing for years and constantly running into issues with standard machines, hardware etc. Finally, after discovering Obsessed Garage I was able to rely on quality sourced goods and focus on the functionality of my mobile unit. A clean and minimal environment is key in my opinion and with this package, your van/truck/trailer will be equipped with a solid foundation. The “essentials”.
Orifice sizes are opened up to help take some load off the generator (4500w+) and allow Kranzle K1322TS and its benefits of higher GPM to be utilized in a mobile setting. A pressure washer that pulls from your tank (125gal) “gravity fed” no pump needed.
If you purchase this package, feel free to reach out to OG or directly anytime and I’ll do my best to help with any questions or specifics. I appreciate your support!
Bradley Norby
Perfect Detail USA
This item is shipped from our warehouse at OGHQ in Lady Lake, FL. Shipping costs calculated at checkout.
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