Griot's Garage The Boss Foam Cannon

SKU: PI050008

Griot's Garage The Boss Foam Cannon

SKU: PI050008
Orifice Installed
Regular price $99.99
DescriptionSpecificationsWhat You GetShipping Information

I pride myself on only offering in the store what I find to be the best and what I enjoy using. Well, there’s been a change in what foam cannon I’m using. So it’s time to punt the old and start offering the new. 

The Griot’s Garage The Boss Foam Cannon is now the best foam cannon available. It has several innovations and features that make it easier to use, more durable, and higher quality than other foam cannons on the market. You can see the full spec list below, but I think the stand-out features are the stainless steel construction, the wide-mouth bottle, and the flexible, weighted suction tube with metering tips.

With the wide-mouth bottle, you don’t have to use a funnel or fancy QDs to pour your soap in. It just makes life easier. What also makes life easier is not having to dilute your soap. If you use the metering tips provided, you can pour straight soap into the bottle and get straight to foaming your car.

Another component I like is the cap on this foam cannon. If you are shaking up the bottle to mix your soap, it won’t leak because it has a one-way valve.

All said this is the best foam cannon. If you enjoy foaming your car, this is the best tool to do so.