Werther Compack X Silent Rotary Screw Compressor

SKU: WR-RV-CS360-040-X-6
Werther Compack X Silent Rotary Screw Compressor

Werther Compack X Silent Rotary Screw Compressor

SKU: WR-RV-CS360-040-X-6
Regular price $11,425.00
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Silent Rotary Screw Compressor

The Werther Compack X Silent Rotary Screw Compressor is what we have landed on as the OG home compressor. It's dead silent, looks fantastic, and has the performance you need for anything you'll be doing in your garage.

Having compressed air in your garage can be really helpful; I can't say that I really use any air tools anymore for taking wheels off or polishing now that battery power tools are so good, but I still think having a compressor makes a lot of sense. I like having an air compressor for those off chances I want to use an air-powered polisher, or for blowing out pads with the Tornador, or filling up tires. If you're going to do a compressor, then having a silent one is the only way to go!

Specifications and Documents

  • CFM – 9.5 CFM
  • Voltage and Amperage – 220V/Single Phase/20 Amp Service/Delivers with a NEMA 6-20P plug
  • Tank Capacity – 10 Gal

Find more information in the manual below.
