Bottle Labels
You can have a matching lineup of all your detailing products in your dual-action Pressol sprayers. These are foil-backed, ultra-buttery-smooth soft touch labels. The blue ones got so much attention that we decided it was time to refresh them and come out with a black line as well. You'll notice the different color Hexes as well. They correspond to the process you're working on.
We also had some blank ones made so you can write whatever you want on them.
Some tips for application.
Install process explained by OG member Matt Reeves:
1. Clean the bottle with some alcohol
2. Spray a light mist of water onto the bottle, too much water will cause the labels not to stick.
3. With the bottle down between 2 towels, position the label on the bottle and verify position before committing.
4. Use some type of card squeegee to get the water and bubbles out
5. Check them periodically for any bubbles that need to be corrected
And done.
Extreme Tip: You can heat treat the bottle with a torch, just a few quick passes over the bottle and it will be flame treated. A Flame treatment allows labels and decals to adhere better to the surfaces of bottles. If you melt your bottle don't come to us saying you ruined your bottle, that why this is an "Extreme Tip", do at your own risk!
You can test your flame treatment by running water over the plastic of the bottle, if it's hydrophobic it's not heat treated. After a heat treatment water should stay sitting on the surface and slowly sheet off.