Swisstrax Treadware

SKU: BlackTreadware
Swisstrax Treadware

Swisstrax Treadware

SKU: BlackTreadware
Regular price $42.45

Ever since getting a forklift, I realized we needed something more robust than the Swisstrax edge pieces to stop them from coming undone and getting ruined constantly. This is where Treadware comes into play.  This essentially mounts on top of the edge of your Swisstrax tiles (without edge pieces) and creates a smoother (and more robust) transition for you to drive over. It only comes in one size (6" x 6" x 70") but it can be easily trimmed to any size with an angle grinder. I used expandable concrete anchors to anchor it into the concrete at OGHQ. We also sell a version that looks chrome, but I prefer the textured black version for a cleaner and more modern look.


x1 Swisstrax Treadware (6" x 6" x 70")

This item is dropshipped from Swisstrax in Georgia. Shipping is free.

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